Friday 7 December 2012

December 3rd - First pair of thongs


  1. Perfect light, you're so good at working that sun. Hope his toes didn't suffer too badly on their first thong day!

  2. The light and detail of the grass (all those individual blades!) look amazing.

  3. We have 30cm of snow... nothing more to say... can´t believe summer pics are real at present... so strange! The light is awesome!

  4. Now that's a Aussie child milestone right there ;)
    How funny, Finn got his first pair this week too. he is still trying to work out how to wear them properly, but is SO determinded to make it work for him. Mainly because he wants to be just like his Daddy :)
    Love the light you captured.Always beautiful and inspiring.

  5. Love the depth of field.

    I remember trying to wear thongs when I was a kid. I found it so difficult. How did he go?

  6. Yep, a first pair of thongs is a big deal :) He is starting to get used to them, but if you pick him up or he starts running they come straight off. Like Finn, he is pretty determined and will tell anyone who will listen that he has new fongs!
